Many thanks to jns for the -w 76 smart formatting! --- I don't know if you watched Austin Powers 2, but his self-published book captures my relationship with formality. It has been a while since I have thought logically at all, so I went for insertion sort in acl2 which was remembered to me. In acl2 we are not able to do this: ```sbcl (sort '(3 4 1) '<=) ``` >(1 3 4) which is informal. Informal means that we know what the word sort means, and it is in the function position of a lisp list, and it is being passed a data list and a symbol that obviously names a comparison predicate, and our brains fill in what is intended based on our experience, including a handful of algorithms. I will do a formal insertion sort for '<= here now too. Insertion sort goes stepwise like this (very informally): '((input . (3 4 1)) (ouput . ())) '((input . (4 1)) (ouput . (3))) '((input . (1)) (ouput . (3 4))) '((input . ()) (ouput . (1 3 4))) ; the right side is always in order, so it is easy to move the 'car on the left to its right position on the right. Formal methods is similar to testing, sofaras alternatives are similar. Instead of checking for problems you have seen come up before or can imagine (testing/informality), you prove a hopefully accurate model of your system up from completely accepted axioms like a few properties of the cardinal numbers (with a robot teammate who can do string searches much quicker than you). Less talking, more easy codes: ** Insertion sort *** A comparison ```acl2 (defun leq-pushp (a b) (if (<= a (car b)) (append (list a) b) nil)) ``` Admitted trivially; the function is a nonrecursive if statement, returning some non-nil useful data or else nil (indicating failure). *** Sorted insertion ```acl2 (defun insert-sorted (a b result) (if (= 0 (length b)) (append result (list a)) (let ((final-tail (leq-pushp a b))) (if final-tail (append result final-tail) (insert-sorted a (cdr b) (append result (list (car b)))))))) ``` To find where a fits into b, values at the front of b get moved one by one into a result list. Once a is not greater than the front of b, we return a sorted result (tail recursively, so far as speed matters here...!). The measure is the length of b, which always decreases (and is terminating if it reaches 0). This lets our robot teammate easily figure out that the function's recursion is progressing towards a result. *** Insertion sort ```acl2 (defun insertion-sort (input result) (if (= 0 (length input)) result (insertion-sort (cdr input) (insert-sorted (car input) result nil)))) ``` Tail-recursively insert-sorted the front value of input into a result list. The measure is that the length of the input counts down to 0. *** Proving something Aside: #'search returns nil or the index of where the first argument starts within the second argument indexed from 0. ```acl2 (thm (implies (< a b) (< (search (list a) (insertion-sort (list a b 3) nil)) 2))) ``` **** Informally If the variable a is less than the variable b then a cannot possibly be the last element of (insertion-sort (list a b 3) nil). The last element (position 2, indexed from 0) must be the value of b or 3. Just because it comes up in a moment I note here that acl2's formal search permits either two lists or two strings, which I guess is why our robot friend collected (:DEFINITION STRING-DOWNCASE). **** Formally, though! Q.E.D. Summary Form: ( THM ...) Rules: ((:DEFINITION BINARY-APPEND) (:DEFINITION INSERT-SORTED) (:DEFINITION INSERTION-SORT) (:DEFINITION LEN) (:DEFINITION LENGTH) (:DEFINITION LEQ-PUSHP) (:DEFINITION MV-NTH) (:DEFINITION NOT) (:DEFINITION NTHCDR) (:DEFINITION SEARCH-FN) (:DEFINITION SEARCH-FROM-START) (:DEFINITION STRING-DOWNCASE) (:DEFINITION SUBSEQ) (:DEFINITION SUBSEQ-LIST) (:DEFINITION TAKE) (:EXECUTABLE-COUNTERPART <) (:EXECUTABLE-COUNTERPART BINARY-+) (:EXECUTABLE-COUNTERPART BINARY-APPEND) (:EXECUTABLE-COUNTERPART CAR) (:EXECUTABLE-COUNTERPART CDR) (:EXECUTABLE-COUNTERPART CONS) (:EXECUTABLE-COUNTERPART CONSP) (:EXECUTABLE-COUNTERPART EQUAL) (:EXECUTABLE-COUNTERPART INTEGERP) (:EXECUTABLE-COUNTERPART LEN) (:EXECUTABLE-COUNTERPART LENGTH) (:EXECUTABLE-COUNTERPART TAKE) (:EXECUTABLE-COUNTERPART TAU-SYSTEM) (:EXECUTABLE-COUNTERPART UNARY--) (:EXECUTABLE-COUNTERPART ZP) (:FAKE-RUNE-FOR-TYPE-SET NIL) (:REWRITE CAR-CONS) (:REWRITE CDR-CONS) (:REWRITE CONS-EQUAL)) Splitter rules (see :DOC splitter): if-intro: ((:DEFINITION BINARY-APPEND) (:DEFINITION INSERT-SORTED) (:DEFINITION INSERTION-SORT) (:DEFINITION LEQ-PUSHP) (:DEFINITION SEARCH-FN)) Time: 0.02 seconds (prove: 0.02, print: 0.00, other: 0.00) Prover steps counted: 3180 Proof succeeded.