;;;;The simplified version: rlwrap ./sam-d >#[!touch mail.txt#] >#[e mail.txt#] >#[a Having gushed so much hacky lisp this week, I have almost defined a useful context: Anyway, useful enough to send an email. ; MAN, but this was a confusing post to construct. ; I should have started by constructing a quine ; And embedded a simple post in it. ; This is me using sam-d.lisp and mail-demon.lisp . #] >#[w#] >(load #p"path/to/mail-demon.lisp") >(in-package mail-demon) >(send-mail 'screwtape@sdf.org "post title.autopost" #p"mail.txt") ;;; ******************************************************************** ;;;;The more realistic version: rlwrap ./sam-d ECL (Embeddable Common-Lisp) 20.4.24 (git:UNKNOWN) > #[!touch email.txt\#\] -. ! 1; #0 NIL > #[e email.txt\#\] -. email.txt 1; #0 NIL > #[a Having gushed so much hacky lisp this week, I have almost defined a useful environment: Anyway, useful enough to send an email. . #] 4; #128 NIL > #[a ''' rlwrap path/to/sam-d #[!touch email.txt\#\] #[e email.txt\#\] #[a #[a Having gushed so much hacky lisp this week, I have almost defined a useful environment: Anyway, useful enough to send an email. Having gushed so much hacky lisp this week, I have almost defined a useful environment: Anyway, useful enough to send an email. .\#\] #[,\#\] #[/#\[a/+- +1,/#\[a/+- +4 d\#\] ;;deleting a stray copy using regex indexing #[/environment/ c/context/\#\] ;;changing the first time the word environment appears #[w\#\] (load #p"/path/to/mail-demon.lisp") (in-package mail-demon) (send-mail 'screwtape@sdf.org "writing and sending an email.post" #p"email.txt") ''' . #] > #[w#]