# Retrospection It is once again this time of week, at this hour, at this moment of reflection. To my once dear and still much cherished friends, as I pour over your life through the accessibility of information you have made available I am brought back to a place to many a laughter we once shared. We formerly thrived relationally in a once exciting place of emerging tech, when blogs were weblogs and being onLe occasioned elation. It may seem I have raced ahead but perhaps unbeknownst I had often times turned my head to catch a glimpse of how time has elapsed. In that taste of joy I see in your lives I begin to smile but unlike the circumstantial ones we used to share, it is one of collected memories that I know will never come to pass again, ones that were meant during that particular moment, at that particular time, for that particular retrospectively carefree season in our lives. I know things will never be the same again. I love you all.