What's a phlog? It's my term for a gopher-based personal journal or log. Just like Web + Log became "blog", Gopher + Log becomes "phlog". Sort of. The difference is - for now - there is no feedback mechanism. But the drivel is still there so read on if you're so inclined... * update * Since I'm no longer self-hosting a gopherd the SiMpLe MaChInEs project is more or less defunct. However vanity compells me to add the following for posterity: -- from SiMpLe MaChInEs first month's phlog file: Tue Apr 22 18:53:13 EDT 2003 I downloaded the NetBSD port of gopherd the other day. gopherd is the University of Minnesota's gopher server. I got it set up on an old Sun SPARCstation 2: it was very easy to do. I think I'm going to tighten it up a bit and link to it from the SDF Gopher. What to put on it is still up in the air: I'd kind of like to get the old 4.4-BSD Manual pages on there, plus some of my hard won knowledge regarding old Sun Sparcs. I may move my Blog there too. Actually, "Blog" may not even be the right term, since blog is a shortening of "web log" and "web" suggests WWW and http. So - just what would "gopher log" shorten to? Maybe 'Phlog'? :j -- Extensive searching suggests I am the originator of the term 'phlog'.