Date: Sat, 5 Aug 2017 04:43:13 +0000 Subject: Shrinks, staircases & coincidence. What the hell is Oakland even *like* anymore? It always had such a nebulous character. Undoubtedly the desperate d-bags of San Francisco have submerged the place and, for all one knows, it is quite impossible to motor down to East O. in one's off hours to grab a 5-gallon tub of chitlins. The 8 million "stores" trading in dubious items such as large copper mesh scrubbers, okra and hair grease have prob'ly well-nigh vanished. So, yesterday. Went to my irregularly scheduled therapist. Of course, i found out she's leaving for another position on the 23rd but i plan to ask the regular doc on Tuesday for a referral to someone in their network i can see weekly. i've only seen this chick since January so no big deal; and i only got her because the counselor i was seeing before had a heart attack...after OD'ing on coke or speed (!!!). should've known something was up when i'd go in for an appointment at 8 am and he'd be chewing his lip off from the inside and talking more than i did; but i thought he was just full of gay-gay high spirits and exuberance. Before that i saw a Nazi, i mean some Kraut-loving (not the band) spinster. Boy, sounds like i've seen some real winners, but i have, in talking to them, come to some useful realizations, like today: using things like insecurity to hide the fact that one is being inconsiderate/unpleasant to others. So. Even though this was the last visit i was serious and went over serious life things. i managed to talk 38 (i checked) minutes with minimal interruptions. Tiring, dull, and draining. Should've at least described something fun(ny).