Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2017 12:19:22 -0700 Subject: Continued from: "Fascism..."; bitchiness, bastardry, and bondage. [1] Bitchiness Sexual morality in the present has been reduced to a poisonous blend of feminism and puritanism. Feminism because of the decree that "women must be allowed and encouraged to do anything they want sexually". Of course, since for most women sex is more a tool of manipulation and leverage rather than something they do because they genuinely want and desire to do it, this is not constructive diktat. Most women's sexual behavior is negative and about power, control, manipulation (getting things from the guy up and including matrimony) which ties it into... Puritanism; the decree that "men (aside from a very tiny number of alpha elites) must be disallowed and destroyed for being sexual outside of a dysfunctionally puritanical framework". Women...think about it. What gives them satisfaction is dictating and mandating. Hence why they make such great bureaucrats and despots. Witness the hue and cry over "sexual harassment", which amounts to disgust over having to put with possible expressions of sex interest from non-elite men they have not personally approved of (the female hypergamy thing), and to a desire to punish such men (job loss, humiliation). [2] Bastardry Compare men's to women's sexual transgressions. To have a child out of wedlock and to raise it fatherless (or worse, with an endless parade of temporary "daddies") is the ultimate sex transgression. It may maximize the short-term freedom and satisfaction of the "single mother", giving her and society a tawdry myth of her "strength and independence" (a fake independence considering all the aid and assistance these shortsighted females receive--from state/fed/local government, from their own dragooned friends, parents, etc). This cheap, ephemeral "freedom" and "independence" comes at enormous cost, social and personal, owing to all the dysfunction that it, on average, causes the child. More poverty, more mental illness, more physical, sexual and emotional abuse, more drug addiction, and more, and worse, broken families in the second and third generation. [citations]. [3] Bondage Often the compulsive demand of women for monogamy is sour grapes; the result of someone without options, demanding that nobody else have any options is also hypocritical, owing to women's lower sex drive and lack of desire; it is like a person who is apathetic to chocolate going up to the head of the Chocolate Addict's Society and declaring "I'LL give it up if YOU will!" Anyone who is reduced to making a demand for "unconditional love" (every insecure blah-level wife/uninspiring unwoman/cow-frau with a lower sex-desirability ranking than her husband) does not deserve it.