The average woman, in the modern sexual marketplace (read: maximum hypergamy) has spent her entire life down the feminist rabbit hole. Everything she consumes in media, education (misnomer), popular opinion, enforces the idea of female superiority and gross solipsism, and she is profoundly imprinted by this. Pushing women into a state of dominance, leadership and necessary decision-making violates the innate nature of all but a few outliers, and if at all possible they will find ways to leave these roles once they have assumed them. Look at the statistics, at how the number of women in demanding positions of difficult professions plummets after they hit modern marriagable/childbearing age (mid 30s), and never picks up to the previous level. ----- The "me too" bullshit has a takeway: apparently, according to the enforced gender ideology, we are told to believe a female can do, in fact surpass, everything a man can do...yet somehow she is incapable of refusing or responding appropriately, to an unwanted expression of sexual interest from a male.