--- layout: post title: Doctor Who: Lesser Evils Part 2 author: Steven date: 2008-08-13 12:00:00 categories: - Musings tags: - audio - audiodrama - drwho - writing featured_image: https://www.stevenjaycohen.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/wsi-imageoptim-the-tardis.png --- http://archive.org/download/StevenJayCohensAudioDramas/20080813-bsap-drwho.mp3 Unknown to even The Doctor, the Mara uses George to embody the deepest fear within the very core of the Thal psyche -- a Dalek. The Thal forces occupying Draconia scramble in an effort to contain the panic. Will the terror destroy them? Or can it be turned to a tool for the greater good? This story was originally released at BrokenSea Audio Productions under a Creative Commons license. It is re-released (and possibly re-engineered) here, by the original author, as part of an expanded story line.