[ 2023.10.05 ] [ a brief explanation ] this phlog is a place for me to vent, rant, whine, expound, and other verbs also probably. that is all. nothing to see here. everything is bullshit. as a thesis statement, it leaves room for improvement. as an observation, it can be either bleak, or uplifting, or even both simultaneously. for me, it's an exp- ression of joyful nihilism, an observation of how absurd life and consciousness are. but don't worry. i doubt it'll get more philosophical than that around here. what will be found here? mostly text. probably some music and art, if life permits me the time to pursue those and share. "content" will be here, and content is king. so i am told. i've never been much for monarchy. this intro entry was meant to be a bit more structured, a bit more explanatory, and likely a bit longer than this. alas, it is not, because i am tired.