Slerm [SLugmax's gERM] is a Gopher blogging system originally based on germ, which was written by Wesley Teal (wt) here at SDF. The two codebases have diverged quite a bit, but the feature set is largely the same. Germ is additionally concerned with being compatible with various gopher servers, while slerm has only been tested on bucktooth and gophernicus, the latter is the gopher server currently in use at SDF. Slerm works similarly to the blogging software bloxsom, in that it displays a blog page dynamically based on text files in a given directory, sorted by modification time. Here are the basic features: - Display a configurable number of posts per page - Configurable page headers, page footers and post dividers - Configurable permalink text - Allows post comments - Displays number of comments in each post - Allows ordering of comments in reverse date order - Allows sending an email alert when comments are left - Allows post tags and filtering post displays by tag - Ability to embed gophermap links within posts - Static page and post generation - Ability to use '--more--' as a post shortener - Display a list of books you're currently reading There are also a couple of helper scripts included with slerm, one to publish a post from a staging directory (publish), and one to update or pull from a post timestamp cache (upd). The latter is useful if you ever need to go back and edit an old post - you can revert the modification time on the post file back to its original, leaving the order of your gopher blog posts undisturbed.