The floodgap and forthworks servers have decent gopher search services [0][1]. Unfortunately, they do not do full-text search. You can help make the search more useful by making your filenames and selectors more descriptive. So, for example, say you create a document on Linux security. Instead of creating 'sec.txt' name it 'sysadmin_tips_for_linux_system_security.txt'. Then you will see your document in searches for those component words. If you use a gophermap, create some nicely descriptive display text, something like 'Linux Security Tips for Sysadmins'. Here is a concrete example - I posted the Edgar Rice Burroughs Barsoom novels on my gopher site. The selector is as follows: /users/slugmax/docs/books/barsoom_stories_burroughs and in my gophermap, the descripton is this: Edgar Rice Burrough's Barsoom series in glorious text You can find the novels by searching Veronica-2 for 'barsoom' or 'burroughs', or even 'glorious': *** Search terms: glorious *** First 30 selectors displayed (page 1). Results sorted by apparent relevance. 5 total matches. (?) [2]Enter new search keywords (FILE) [3]Folders/directories are least accurate! (and other notes) (FILE) [4]Refining your query ------------------------------------------------------------ (DIR) [5]Edgar Rice Burrough's Barsoom series in glorious text gopher:// ... [0] gopher:// [1] gopher://