Just a quick note that I put the latest version of 'phlogit' in /sys/sdf/bin and checked it into RCS there, so it is available to all SDF users who have /sys/sdf/bin/ in their path. MetaARPA members can edit it. To use it for the first time (assuming you do not have a phlog under ~/gopher/phlog), create a text phlog post in your phlog directory - by default this is ~/gopher/phlog. Let's say you named the file 'first-post'. You would then create an empty gophermap and run phlogit. Here is the full, first-time sequence: mkdir ~/gopher/phlog && chmod 755 ~/gopher/phlog vim ~/gopher/phlog/first-post touch ~/gopher/phlog/gophermap phlogit -t 'First Post' -f first-post Add a '-w' if you want phlogit to wrap your text to 68 chars. That's it! You will then see your first post: lynx gopher://sdf.org/1/users/username/phlog Replace 'username' with your own username of course. After the first post, you can just add posts by creating them in ~/gopher/phlog and re-running phlogit. The script will take care of inserting the new post blurb at the top of the existing gophermap, linking to the text file and setting the correct perms so posts are visible in gopher clients. If you mess something up, you can always edit the gophermap directly to remove the entry and try again. Note there are lots of other phlog maintenance scripts, the gopher tutorial [0][1] has a list. Phlogit itself is based on mkgopherentry, a shell script that works similarly. [0] http://sdf.org/?tutorials/gopher [1] gopher://sdf.org/0/users/slugmax/docs/gopher/sdf_gopher_tutorial.txt