Tomasino moved his gopher hole away from SDF [0], it's now self-hosted on a RPi. He cites the recent stealth changes to SDF's gopher implementation as his main reason for moving. I, too have reservations about hosting anything important at SDF (for me that would be something like a consulting website or email). It's not that I think SDF will disappear suddenly one day, but more that the infrastructure is subject to sudden and (seemingly) arbitrary change. It's the same reason I have run my own mail server for many years. At times SDF seems like a black box whose inner workings are a secret, and sometimes things change enough to break the user's email/website/gopher/whatever. In this case, moving to Bucktooth broke any phlog that used the gophernicus-specific gophermap extension that allows you to embed scripts. It most likely also broke all user CGIs, since Bucktooth does not support the CGI standard QUERY_STRING environment variable (something I ran into working on slerm). In any case, I think smj should be more open and solicit feedback about ideas he has for major changes before he implements them. The recent bboard post and poll about possibly switching the cluster to maildir is a good example, let's see more of that, please! Also I think he should be more open to accepting help from others, many long-time MetaARPA users (myself included) are happy to update tutorials if we know the specifics of a change ahead of time. And ARPA members have the right to vote, but I haven't seem too many of these votes in my 10 years here. A quick note to jynx on his phost regarding gopher sites [1] - I have a list of gopher phlogs/sites I like to peruse [2], I have a few there not on your list (and you have a few I need to add to my list). [0] gopher:// [1] gopher:// [2] gopher://