Homeschooling Update I noted back in April that my wife and I were considering home schooling our kids, ages 9 and 12. We did end up doing this, and it has been generally a positive experience during the first month. We're learning the best ways to do things as we go along, using whatever free or low-cost resources we can find. For example, we make regular trips to the town library for textbooks or fiction, use the Khan Academy website, and various online sources of documentaries and educational shows (Netflix, Discovery, Youtube). We're fairly lucky in that Connecticut does not have strict laws pertaining to home schooling - as long as we notify our public school district (turns out they have pre-made forms), and teach a short list of topics (math, reading, civics, etc.), the rest is up to us. We've actually expanded on that list and have been teaching such subjects as computer science, geology and foreign languages. Our daughter (the younger child) was a bit skeptical at first, during the first week she kept asking if she could go back to school. I think she felt she would miss out on seeing her friends,but we've been good about letting both kids visit friends after school hours, as we normally would if they were attending public school. She has changed her mind now, and doesn't mention public school anymore. Both kids are now starting to see that learning can actually be fun. One positive aspect of this is that we don't worry about homework - the home school day is generally from 9am to 3pm, with breaks for lunch and physical activity. After that, the kids are free to, well, be kids, which is something we always felt strongly that the ever-growing homework burden was preventing, while not providing any real benefit.