2022 0816 Weather: Pleasant, on the warm side, with a surprise intense rainstorm in the late afternoon. This past weekend had a good little walk at Harwood High School. There was a section of trail headed down to the river with signposts of poems and images, quite a few! Took several pictures of some really nice haikus, woodblock-esque prints, and a lot of mushroom content. Example: "tiny but biggest don't forget your cap connector of all" The kids are alright. Felt a bit on-the-spot Monday at the Vermont Go Club meeting as they critiqued a game I played with another member. (Obviously) lost with a 4-stone handicap, but plenty of insight given to exactly why particular moves were bad, what the good moves would have been, and where the game pretty much ended. Finished learing the tai chi form taught by Richard Browne tonight, now time to get in my 10,000 reps to perfect it. Stay soft, keep moving from the waist, maintain a should-width stance. Getting the hang of posting here on gopher. Dipped my toe into the Gemini protocol, installed the Lagrange browser and will give it a spin. Handily, it accepts gopher addresses as well!