#Good To See You Hello there. Its been awhile since posting anything to the capsule. I'd like to rectify that. There are a lot of half-baked articles sitting on the hard-drive which need more spit shine if they should ever see the light of day. In the mean time, maybe some shorter post will be better than nothing at all. # Capsule updates Heres some things recently changed with the capsule: * re-did capsule introduction paragraph * added "Favorite Articles" section to main capsule page to showcase my best works * Joined Leo Webring, seperate landing zone is located in extras directory * added several entries in Fractal Compendium. > Many FC entries are incomplete due to being taken directly from the old sierpinski triangle article. It was just too big and needed to be sliced down to more manageable pieces. #Tech stuff I did this week * Experementing with YaCy, A truly P2P decentralized search engine with user-curated index. * installed and used OffPunk by ploum. * installed Kiwi Browser on android phone, then installed all my favorite desktop browser extensions. * Working on a new capsule project. > goal is to create a high-readability gemini mirror of an open interactive fiction project. Yes im being intentionally vauge :) * research into self-hosted public server creation > Ill have to eventually take the leap and buy a domain name from a registar like epik but for now want learn more. Friend recomended free IP-redirect service, also on radar. Thinking of either OpenBSD or Debian for server OS. Only want it to host a gemini capsule and maybe light website or gopherhole nothing crazy so debian may be overkill and I like the security aspect of openBSD. # What's up Smokey? Feeling relaxed. Plan to do some house-cleaning tomorrow. Theres a nice rain drizzle making a patter sound outside. I can really notice the sound of crickets and see the first moth of this year furiously bashing itself against a lightbulb. Seems like spring is really here. # Sharing Links & Promoting Others =>gemini://gemi.dev/cgi-bin/chilly.cgi - Chilly Weather >Awesome new weather forcasting capsule which has become my new favorite way to get weather. =>gemini://seydaneen.nahtgards.de/leuchtturm/dwemerartefakte/blog/2022-03-23.gemini "A perfect device for the smol web" by seydaneen > The article is about a really cool and affordable handheld micro-computing device that runs on batteries and is used to access the smol-web trough terminal. =>gemini://gemini.spam.works/mirrors/textfiles/internet/FAQ/fractal.faq - ancient usenet FAQ article written in 1993. From a long-dead fractal hobbist news group. =>website of faq maintainer that does retro-computing projects =>gopher://bitreich.org:70/ bitreich -gopherhole which seriously advocates for privacy in a humerous tone. =>https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=XxVlGAFX7vA - " How much information is in the universe?" PBS SpaceTime video =>../ Back To logs/