So, finally settling in to giving this a go. It's been a relatively rough weekend, but I think that's mostly just a little solitude settling in. There's not been much going on, so I am just chilling a bit and seeing how I feel about a phlog. These past couple of weeks I've felt particularly isolated and have an appointment coming up to see about increasing my med dosages. Aside from that, the comings and goings in the news, both globally and within my peer group, has had some high highs and low lows. Mostly, I just think that I'm tired. I'm also likely to include some solo rpg sessions here and see how I feel about it. I'm leaning towards Bloodshadows or Septimus(I prefer to keep it Opend6) and will be using the One Page Solo Engine. It's starting to finally cool off some here, so a backpacking trip is in the cards in the coming weeks.