Austin Day Two We woke up this morning and went to visit the state capital building. I must admit, it is probably the finest state capital we have visited. It is very large comparitively. On the main floor in the rotunda it shows each politcal entity that has governed TX. France, Spain, Mexico, Confederate States, and United States. All with equal standing and beauty on the floor. All the columns are corithian style made from Cast Iron. THe floors are granit. The walls are white with oak wainscoting. All in all incredibly imporessive. They recently finished a renovation which restored the building to the same as it was before the turn of the century. Even much of the furniture is original. Then we spend the morning along South Congress with the tourists shopping and having lunch. I had one short run-in with some chick from Planned parenthood... damn racist organizations irritate me. I'm not a big fan of Eugenics. Not that I don't recognize the validity of many of the Eugenics arguments, but I believe implementing it is a dangerous precident. We ate breakfast at JO's taco bar and had a breakfast taco. Then we at lunch at another mexican resturant on the strip, I don't remember the name. We found necklases for the girls and a sliderule for me. Tonight at 17:00 we eat dinner at Stubbs and then it's on to the TBTL event. This should carry us into the late night. I'll phlog that from the venu... tonight