21.11.2023 * 15:41 / our local cinema This weekend I saw Snakes and Songbirds. It was not great, but I enjoyed going anyways. The screen of our local cinema has a dirt-like filter over it, and everytime I go see a film there I notice it. Every single room has a bad screen like this, why? On saturday morning I sat on the couch under my electric blanket, watched the first part of the new season of The Crown. I took it slow because I had bad period cramps and felt hormonal too. D. walked past me and told me they were doing the same thing in their room. Saturdays are supposed to be for hiding under a blanket in your pyjama's. I missed J., I feel like I'm missing them more since we decided to move in together. On saturday I also worked a little on a submission for a literary stage. I had to write my poetics for it, which I don't believe to be my strongest point. In the evening I ordered in with F. On sunday I continued writing my submission, still feeling awful. J. came over in the afternoon, we hung out while I was writing. In the evening we cooked for F. and for O. the person she's dating now. J. and I made lasagna. The four of us ate together and it was lovely. O. is now a new person in my life. I am excited to get to know her. She's already pretty funny and I love how she makes F. happy.