17.11.2023 * 06.31 / dream journal one my house was a very nice house in a themepark i think. it was low on the ground and deep into a cave looking out on a sunny street. i was out and about and i thought my home was in danger. so i walk back home and i push down a right wing flag, the kind of skinny flags they have at supermarkets. the wood snaps, a couple of boys see me do it. they are putting up the flags and posters right before the corner of the street in front of my house. they yell at me and i start running but they catch up with me because i cant move. they tell me as they hold me thay theyre going to do the same to me as theyre going to do to that flag pole because you cant do that to someones property. one boy cratches my arm open with a knife and i struggle which makes it hurt more. eventually i get away and try to run to my house but i bump into an old teacher who doesnt notice what is going on and i am kept outside of my house by my own politeness.