10th April 2023 - Malta Day 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well I survived the wind from last night! It was pretty xrazy until around 3am. Today was a shifting aite day so the morning was spent packing up and cleaning. We were invited to the Presidental summer palace, Verdala Palace. The scout group we firet stayed with in Zurrieq were having a camp there and arranged a tour for us. It is an impressive palace which was built as a fortress in the 1500s. The building has been lovingly restored after some inexcusable vandalism in the form of British diplomat wives wanting to redecorate. After the palace, we had to get shifting to Ghajn Tuffeia. I was part of the car party for this one. Loading and unloading bita of kit. I spent the afternoon catching up on past issues of Private Eye in the sun. Once more people started arriving, I finally got my feet in the sea. It was chuffing freezing. Might paddle some more tomorrow. I also had the pleasure of meeting a friend from previous Scout adventures in Poland. We had a nice long catch up and might be meeting up for some lunch tomorrow. Still no selfie with a nun.