# 02 Mar 2023 - And Then Twitter Died & Mastodon Thrived ---------------------------------------------------------------------- It's been 2.5 years since I last wrote here, but I'm actually still here on SDF. I kept checking in on Gopher occasionally. I still love the idea of a simple system accessible from every computing device, no matter how underpowered. But it isn't possible for me to exist only on Gopher, I just can't find answers and information here that I need. I'm still using the web, though at least I've switched entirely to Brave Search away from Google. But then, November 2022 happened. Elon Musk bought Twitter, destroyed third party client access, sacked most of the staff & destroyed the platform's reliability, demonstrated that he doesn't actually know what he's talking about, made several highly questionable political statements... and everyone fled to Mastodon. And SDF already had a Mastodon instance, and people were actually participating there. And I started seeing glimpses of that late 90's internet culture & wonder again. They stayed open during the various migration waves, unlike many other Mastodon instances, so we got lots of people here and it felt like a vibrant place. I even discovered some new Gopher holes via posts on Mastodon. Mastodon isn't perfect - lots of the new people brought their "hot take" and "political outrage" culture with them. The privacy culture of Mastodon's developers makes it really hard to search for people or topics (the same kind of discovery problems that Gopher has). I don't like that I can't point my own domain name to a Mastodon instance to have a more permanent handle/address, the way my email address can survive changes between MX servers by changing DNS records. And I still dislike that the TLS requirements make it very difficult for retro machines like C64 or Apple IIGS to connect, the same criticism I have about Gemini. Surely blasting 500 characters of text to a Mastodon API endpoint should be a new Hello World for all kinds of tiny & retro machines? Does anyone remember that you could actually tweet from a Commodore 64 to Twitter, back when their API still allowed HTTP access? But despite all that, Mastodon has kept my interest the last 4 months. The ecosystem of tools & clients is growing, with all my favorite Twitter developers (Tapbots, Matteo Villa, The Iconfactory) all making Mastodon clients now. There's some nice interesting people here too, though it has needed over 100 keyword filters to get to the point where I mostly enjoy it on Mastodon. Maybe sometime I should publish my list of 25+ keywords for filtering out games from the timeline? I should get around to posting my Mastodon #Introduction, too. I didn't want to post one until I felt confident I'd be sticking around, but it's probably time. Though I still wonder if I should make an instance of my own hosted on my own domain, so I have that permanent Mastodon / ActivityPub handle that I want. But I don't think I want the time & monetary expense of managing my own Mastodon server, and Masto.Host keeps suffering from DDoS attacks. Plus Masto.Host runs on OVH, who seem terrible at keeping hackers and threat actors out of their systems and are often used to launch attacks on systems across the world... but that's a story for another day. But for now, that's my log entry to say that I'm still here. And, I'm now an ARPA member of SDF too. The Mastodon instance motivated me to finally send more money SDF's way. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - SyneRyder / Kohan Ikin http://www.kohanikin.com/ http://www.namesuppressed.com/ @syneryder@mastodon.sdf.org ----------------------------------------------------------------------