How to deal with the, and why the is great? =========================================================== My Gopherhole is visible thanks to the at and Gopher.Club domains. If you're wondering what exactly is, it's one of the publicly available Unix servers on the web. Such servers are called PubNix for short. Each of them has similar principles of operation, but often creates diverse communities. Each of them requires an SSH client to work, i.e. a program that allows remote connection in text mode. Remote connection allows you to run commands that allow you to operate on files, directories, use e-mail, publish information on the server, as well as many specific commands for each server. The list of commands available on SDF is listed in the link below. ~ SDF Specific Commands: Informative Commands, Inter-User Communication & Social Networking, Account Management Commands, Account Information, User Information, Gallery Commands and Other Each of these commands requires and works only in text mode of a remote connection. Reads text data and prints the text result of the command on the screen. ``` $ sticker Our current vinyl bumper sticker (sort of looks like this!) _______________________________________ | _____ | | |/SDF\| F R E E S H E L L . O R G | |--|=====|------------------------------| | ----- public access unix system | --------------------------------------- WANT ONE? .. its easy and it helps us! Send at least $1.00 and a SASE (A Self Addressed Stamped Envelope) (international users need to send only a 5 EURO bill .. NO SASE) SDF Public Access UNIX System PO BOX 17355 Seattle WA 98127 By supporting us this way, we can create other items such as a new SDF bumper sticker, SDF mouse pad and the SDF T-SHIRT! ``` Other PubNixes ============== ~ ~ ~ -- CC BY-SA @ Sun 12 Mar 2023 10:27:21 AM CET