1993-05-12 ========== Apple now has gopher archives of higher-education materials for business, computer science and engineering (CSE), library and information systems, mechanical engineering and medical/health sciences. Foreign language and schools of education will be added later. "Discipline chairs" will write material and interact with academic communities in this Apple Internet Higher Education Pilot Program. Dr. Jon Stricklen of Michigan State's AI/KBS Lab is the chair for CSE. Additional gopher folders will highlight Mac software and support for academic users. Gopher client software (from boombox.micro.umn.edu) can be used to access the gopher at info.hed.apple.com. James J. Buckley, VP of Apple USA's Higher Education Division. [MartinsonJ@applelink.apple.com, comp.sys.mac.announce. Bill Park, 4/22/93.] Gopher was the 9th most active application on the Internet last month. A recent Veronica search found 10M items available in Gopherspace, but only 1.5M unique items. Collecting and organizing information is rather like running a library, but Gopher developers are not happy with library tools and classification systems. Developers prefer a used-bookstore model, but it might not scale up when gophers can access dynamic relational databases and other structured data sources. Subject-based gophers should be organized by domain experts, with feedback from users -- but you can't please all users simultaneously. Among the 250 attendees at the 2nd Gopher conference were people from Apple, IBM, Microsoft, Motorola, New York Times, The Chronicle of Higher Education, CNIDR, NOTIS, NASA-Goddard, Xerox PARC, and the World Bank. [Tim Kambitsch (kambitsch@butleru.bitnet), PACS-L, 4/21/93.] ~ via [The Computists' Weekly Volume 3: No. 19] https://www.nzdl.org/cgi-bin/library?e=q-00000-00---off-0tcc--00-0----0-10-0---0---0direct-10---4-----stx--0-0l--11-en-50---20-about-gopher+veronica--00-0-1-00-0-0-11-0-0utfZz-8-00&a=d&c=tcc&srp=0&srn=0&cl=search&d=HASH9e70a4f62bce4d468e46c0.3 -- szczezuja.space CC BY-SA @ Sun 16 Apr 2023 09:26:37 PM CEST