1994-01-16 ========== ANOTHER EFFORT TO MAKE GOPHER SYSTEMS EASIER TO USE "The William H. Welch Medical Library has released a new biomedical gopher, the Welch Medical Library Gopher. The team that has developed this gopher is taking a somewhat non-traditional approach to organizing its menus selecting a task organization. We would be very interested in hearing other developers thoughts about this design scheme. The idea is that users connecting to the gopher commonly have a task in mind. For instance they want to find research supporting resources, or they want to check up on the news, or they are looking for information on patient care. To accommodate this desire on the part of users we have created the following top level menu design. 1. Using this gopher server/ 2. Welch Medical Library resources and services/ 3. Basic science research resources/ 4. Caring for patients/ 5. Exploring the Internet/ 6. Finding people on the Internet/ 7. Funding resources/ 8. Health policy resources/ 9. Hopkins resources and services/ 10. Keeping up with the news/ 11. Scientific writing and publishing resources/ 12. Teaching, education, and course resources/ One consequence of this design is that many resources are useful for several tasks and thus there is a lot of redundancy in the resources listed. We have also had to point to resources relatively deeply embedded in other gopher servers. Merely pointing to the NIH gopher is not sufficient, with the funding menu we have to pinpoint the NIH funding information while we point to NIH patient care resources under our third menu option." We have undertaken this level of maintence complexity in the belief that we are adding a lot of value to these resources by adopting the task-based organizational scheme." It can be accessed by gophering to welchlink.welch.jhu.edu. Specific comments can be sent to Karla Hahn ~ via [NETWORKS AND COMMUNITY : January 17, 1994] http://www.textfiles.com/magazines/NETCOMMUNITY/net_com.009 -- szczezuja.space CC BY-SA @ Sat 22 Apr 2023 03:17:19 PM CEST