Cont. how you were using the Internet in the 1991-1995 and 1995-2005? ===================================================================== I got several replies to my question about the beginnings of cyber-life [1]. I've read all histories. Some points were similar to my experiences, some in natural way different (caused by different age, or geopolitical situation - Internet in Poland, where I live, was introduced with decades delay). But one thing was especially surprising - Gopher. There are no much Gopher in Gopher's golden era 1991-1995. Alex has only some suspicions that he could used it. Gustaf has had knowedgle about Gopher, but was more interested in WWW. Kelson was closest to Gopher, but it "was still around but fading fast" and probably he was using only lynx (web browser with Gopher client) only. Beto has used Gopher to obtain "results from the entrance examination" - it's only real life usage of Gopher in the answers so far. Answers in alphabetical order as below: ~ gemini:// ~ gemini:// ~ gemini:// ~ ~ gemini:// ~ gemini:// Thanks a lot for every answer. It would be great if someone else would also respond for my question. ~ [1]: gopher:// -- CC BY-SA @ Sat 11 Dec 2021 08:26:05 PM CET