20230917 ======== 14:00 ----- I will be traveling tomorrow. The thing which I don't like the most is packing. I was on such escapades so many times that I have the list what to pack on an average trip. Despite that i still don't like packing. 15:00 ----- I've forgot to write about yesterday SNES afternoon. My son asked to play Super Bomberman 4. The game had made him upset 1-2 weeks ago because was too complicated. We were playing cooperative two players. In the game is needed to plan next moves and be quick enough to evade opponents. But yesterday he said that he want to learn how to play. He was calm after each mistake and was playing better and better each time. I've observed for the first time the will to fight the next level. The last play was announced as "If we won't be able to win that time we will pause.". The fully professional computer player. 17:40 ----- Third in a row weekend with city river beaching. Autumn is consequently coming so it could be one of the last times for that. 18:15 ----- Today's my son's questions: - Are the people animals? - How we are built the Earth? (It's probably connected with getting to know that the Death Star from Star Wars was built by people.) - Who will live in our home while we will be living in rented apartment? (It's probably the assumption that everyone has only one home.).