20231021 ======== 11:00 ----- I've published several announcements on auction website. So many things for newborn babies are stuck in my house. Maybe somebody will need, and use them. For me will be more space in the house. 13:00 ----- The time for the SNES. Today the /Super Bomberman 4/. We are playing in cooperative mode. There are several breakthroughs. My son has more patience and he isn't nervous after failure. He started to explore game for his own. And we've met the boys on 1-8 level. Password 6722. 14:00 ----- The cooking time. Chef's dish - spaghetti with tomatoes. Version for my son's tastes. 17:00 ----- Overdue walk. Sometimes you need good arguments to encourage Junior to march. We walked 3 km around the area. 21:00 ----- I've done more than 6km today. It's time for a shower. Today without a beer. The metabolism is slower at this age and you need to be careful not to gain belly fat.