Time of the last update ======================= I'm browsing Gophersphere by several aggregators. First was [Bongusta], then arrived [Gopher Club]. They seem to work in a similar way but in a different scope. First is moderated list from the whole Gophersphere. The Second is a list of volunteers from the SDF.org servers. But both of them use some technique to determine updates on listed Phlogs. And in the last time, there are many false notifications. So I'm looking at some Phlog on the list, which I know, and I start looking for a new entry. And there is no new entry, but it's listed as it is. I must also mention weird things with `phlog` internal command, which is used to add a Phlog to the Gopher Club list. I don't know who knows how it works. Actually, my Phlog is listed on 12-03, with several modifications on 15-03, 22-03, and 29-03. Gemini has [Gemsub], but Gopher has no standard of any kind in that area. We are stuck in files, files, and their time of the last update. ~ [Bongusta] gopher://i-logout.cz/1/bongusta/ ~ [Gopher Club] gopher://gopher.club/1/phlogs/ ~ [Gemsub] gemini://gemini.circumlunar.space/docs/companion/subscription.gmi -- szczezuja.space CC BY-SA @ Thu 31 Mar 2022 11:06:30 PM CEST