For sure, there is always somewhere, where you haven't been on Gopher ===================================================================== Today I am a bit surprised myself, because I was surprised when I accidentally ran into [Magical Fish]. I was browsing Gophersphere for several months, and I had been thinking that I saw everything. Nope. There are still hidden gems, and they are not visible in the most popular Phlog aggregator, which I took for the natural doors to the Gophersphere. From Magical Fish, I browsed to unofficial [Slashdot proxy], where you can obtain a text version of It's worth looking at the whole Gopher hole there, in the Phlog section there is an interesting article about GNUPG and mutt (what I've been doing on my own some time ago). I've spotted today also [Port 70 News]. I was there some time ago, but I didn't note it. It's also worth looking at the whole Gopher hole here. So three treasures within short walk through the Gophersphere today. How many of them are still hidden from me? ~ [Magical Fish] gopher:// ~ [Slashdot proxy] gopher:// ~ [Port 70 News] gopher:// -- CC BY-SA @ Tue 19 Apr 2022 03:37:27 PM CEST