News section ============ I updated my Gopherhole a bit. I added a new article to my /Gopher Novice/ series. It's about zines because I had thought that there were absent on the 90's Gophersphere. And it was wrong. As I've seen on [Directory of Electronic Journals, Newsletters, and Academic Discussion Lists, Tom 4] there was a significant increase in publications of that type. And many of them were published on Gophersphere then. I am still thinking about archiving sources that I'm reading during my amateur research, which I described in my Phlog earlier. I've got a response that I should use Offpunk but after a quick test, I came across some difficulties. So that idea is still in development. But my thoughts about archives were the source of my new Gopherhole section /Gopher News/. There are many zines that survived the Gophersphere extinction and they are about Gopher. So we can read original breaking news, and what can be put on the timeline on a single point. And that citations of zines could create something that is absent now in Gophersphere. Because apart from the 2007 archives, there aren't available any earlier and original content of Gophersphere. It isn't easy to find those sources but probably they aren't as rare as I thought. It's also time-consuming to go through them in search of only a single topic. But you can look at results so far at [Gopher News]. I was able to identify many of the [writing/zines/part1 94/01/26] connected with computers, where I suspect there is information about Gopher. So there are for example: [The Amateur Computerist], [Birmingham Telecommunication News], [Computer Underground Digest], [CPU: Working in the Computer Industry], [Scream Baby], and Voices from the Net]. ~ Text excerpt [Directory of Electronic Journals, Newsletters, and Academic Discussion Lists, Tom 4] gopher:// ~ Full [Directory of Electronic Journals, Newsletters, and Academic Discussion Lists, Tom 4] ~ [Gopher News] gopher:// ~ [writing/zines/part1 94/01/26] gopher:// ~ [The Amateur Computerist] The Amateur Computerist ~ [Birmingham Telecommunication News] Birmingham Telecommunication News ~ [Computer Underground Digest] Computer Underground Digest ~ [CPU: Working in the Computer Industry] CPU: Working in the Computer Industry ~ [Scream Baby] Scream Baby ~ [Voices from the Net] Voices from the Net -- CC BY-SA @ Sat 22 Apr 2023 04:08:00 PM CEST