What's up? About ROOPHLOCH and Phlog-roll and Phloggers garage ============================================================== The summer has passed, and the autumn has come. It would seem that nothing is happening. However, Gophersphere, in her little size, clearly shuddered in its foundation. So Solderpunk has just finished and summarized [ROOPHLOCH 2023 round up]. This year I also did not join the event, but I support it strongly and finally realize my idea. After a number of Matto entries, I was inspired to write more often on my Phlog. This is not visible on this Phlog (nor Bongusta or Gopher Club) because I created a second Personal Phlog for this purpose. And there I managed to write for over a month every day. In addition to the fact that Matto encouraged me to act, it is worth noting that the active writing movement has gained its channel on IRC as Matto described it in [Welcome at the Phloggersgarage] and their own mini aggregator [Addition of a phlog-roll]. I encourage all interested parties to be active on their phlogs! And in your free time to join IRC. What is my secret for everyday writing? I try like my favorite [Gopherhole in Tokyo, Japan] write about what happened on a day on a regular basis. My goal is mainly to develop ease of writing in English, which, unfortunately, is not as good as I would like. By the way, it is possible that someone considers as interesting, what I am writing about. It seems that, like Tokyo, it is exotic for those who do not live there, the other of us live in such diverse environments that sometimes things are obvious to us, are a small culture shock for others. How to write every day? For me, the basis was to develop a way of writing on a mobile device. Then at any time, e.g. driving mass transport, I can record a few sentences. And at the end of the day, publish them from a mobile device directly on Gopherhole. I don't have enough time to always sit at a full-fledged keyboard and do it with SSH. Support in writing on the keyboard of a mobile device, predicting words and correction of typo allow you to write quite quickly. The only problem was the lack of native support for SSH in iOS. It is obvious to install an application acting as an SSH customer, but operating on a small screen using vim or emacs editors is not convenient. I noticed that /blink.sh/ (one of the SSH clients on iOS) has additional integration with the native iOS Files application. I.e. You can combine a special local folder, which is an indication of a remote SSH folder. I only missed the text file editor - it is interesting that iOS also does not give support here. The application /getdrafts.com/ turned out to be helpful. This application seems to be perfect for this purpose. This is how I manage to publish a few words every day. ~ [ROOPHLOCH 2023 round up] gopher://zaibatsu.circumlunar.space/0/~solderpunk/phlog/roophloch-2023-round-up.txt ~ [Boost our Gopher activity challenge] gopher://box.matto.nl/0/boost-our-gopher-activity-challenge.txt ~ [Addition of a phlog-roll] gopher://box.matto.nl/0/addition-of-a-phlog-roll.txt ~ [Welcome at the Phloggersgarage] gopher://box.matto.nl/0/welcome-at-the-phloggersgarage.txt ~ [Gopherhole in Tokyo, Japan] gopher://gopher.club/1/users/nm03/ -- szczezuja.space CC BY-SA @ Sun 01 Oct 2023 04:56:37 PM CEST