August 28, 2020, Friday A guy walks into a bar and orders two hurricanes and a corona. Bartender says "That'll be $20.20". That joike pretty much sums up 2020. Thankfully, I got my dad to leave Beaumont for the landfall of Hurricane Laura. More thankfully, Beaumont did not get hit by the hurricane in a significant way. The hurricane's path shifted to the east enough that a lot of damage was averted. Prayers go out to those who did not find safety, those that are dealing with property damage or injury and the first responders. I like trying out different retro ways to do things. I never worked with Sun's Virtualbox VM before but now I have ticked that box. I installed Windows 95 and I am telneting into SDF from my Windows 95 installation in Virtual box. I was prompted to try this by seeing a Toshiba Libretto for sale in my area. I had one of those for a brief period. When I tore my achilles tendon and was on crutches for 3 months, the software vendor that serviced the firm I worked for loaned me his Toshiba Libretto. I loved that tiny machine and I always wished I could have kept using it. Of course, a Windows 95 machine today doesn't have the same usefulness that it had in 1997. Correction, it has exactly the same usefulness as it had in 1997. Still, I am tempted to buy and tempted to relive some Windows 95 and DOS goodness. Hope you are safe and well and hurricane free. The Proprietor