[Another Even Year] I haven't looked back at even vs. odd years, but that seems like a fun exercise to pass the time. When I was a child my best friend said "odd years go by faster than even years." I said I thought the opposite; that even years go by faster...at this point I don't know. A good Resolution, were I to play that game, would be to Stop Overthinking. The past year or so I've had way too much coffee with not nearly enough food: this led to overthinking, which worsened Depression, which led to some combination of nihilism and cynicism ("none of this makes sense and my life has no meaning.") Now, I have already concluded quite some time ago that each individual decides "The Meaning of Life", whether it's to serve some deity, to serve humanity, or 42; i.e. it's completely arbitrary. However when one is surrounded by a veritable soup of idiots intermingled with morons, it's difficult to assign any meaning to life. But I'm getting there... I don't fancy rituals, but I might as well ride the wave with this one. A new year: a symbolic "blank canvas" or "clean slate" of sorts (emphasis on "sorts") ...I could use that. Let's make this year better than the last one. Should be *very* easy...