Good News, Everyone! So one of our rusty old (40-50 years) heating oil tanks finally sprung a leak. Immediately after we filled it. But we didn't notice it until about 8 hours later! So about 550 gallons of oil (two connected 275gal tanks) just emptied out into the ground. Right into the soil. Our basement doesn't have a floor. That's semi-good, because we don't have to jackhammer concrete to remove all the oil. But it's still a lot of digging. We're not doing it ourselves of course. No hot water! No showers! Slightly more challenging dish-washing! Petroleum vapors in my lungs! Yay! If it were my house I'd do away with the oil. It's so stupid. Totally obsolete. I'd have everything electric. Just wires. Electric baseboard, electric hot water heater, probably even one of those tankless water heaters. Modern. It's not 1940 anymore (when this house was built). --------------------------------------------- In other news, I whipped out the old smart watch because I got tired of checking the time on my phone all the time. It's an LG Urbane -- pretty slick. Yellow gold color. Still works really well. But it's a luxury. I'm gonna get a plain old watch (a "dumb watch", I guess) because the charge on this thing lasts about two days if I just use it for time and about a day if I do other stuff with it.