oh yeah, there's this thing called "laughter". As evil as some humans think recommendation algorithms are, I have to thank Netflix for this one. I discovered a show called "Nailed It" while disgruntingly scrolling around Netflix. Now, I rarely watch TV. I did that enough growing up. As an adult, I feel (and think) it's a tremendous waste of time to sit and stare at a rectangle for hours on end unless I'm learning something. But you know what? It helps shut down my overactive brain. I've forgotten how to "relax" over the years, having been married to a moron who managed to compound my stress levels beyond critical mass. So now I watch a *little bit* of passive TV here and there, maybe an hour every other day or so. My roommates watch all the time, especially during winter during a pandemic with little else to do. So I give them Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon Prime in addition to housework to earn my keep since they don't charge me rent (yet). I play musical instruments, browse the web, research stocks, occasionally read print on some glued-together papers called "books", and...not much else in the winter. But my roommate and I watched S4E1 of "Nailed It" and holy hell, I haven't laughed this hard in a *long* time. ~...Bursting...~