The *main* neurotransmitters are: + dopamine + acetylcholine + serotonin + GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) GABA "shuts off" the mind and calms the nerves. This one is the most elusive to me. Things that help production of this: Whole-herb teas (the kind you get in big bags or jars, not little packets) such as + Valerian root + Chamomile (German or Egyptian or otherwise, they're all good) + Lavender (at least for me it does) + Hops Pills such as + Mg Bisglycinate (doesn't give me diarrhea like citrate and others) + P-5-P + L-Theanine Serotonin also calms the nerves but doesn't quiet the "monkey mind". Enough of it brings the brain to the alpha state (alpha waves, 8-12hz). It also helps dreams become more vivid and helps with sleep in general, as it is the precursor to melatonin. Things that help the production: Herbs such as + St. John's Wort ("Wort" is German for "Word" so I guess it's a Bible thing) + White Willow bark (where aspirin comes from) + Chamomile, again + Mutterwort Pills such as + 5-HTP As for dopamine and acetylcholine, they're stimulated by everyday life in the 21st century. But if you have a weird condition that prevents you from producing these, as I do, the interwebs can help. Just remember: biology is trial-and-error. Try different things and write down what works and what doesn't. The most effective thing for me: a vape, believe it or not. 35mg (per 30mL) nicotine does the trick, every day. As long as my lungs can handle it (I've had *zero* problems after one year of using it), it will be my dopamine inducer. Along with coffee. Obviously. Misc (these should really go in a different file): + Oatstraw contains electrolytes. + Skullcap contains B-vitamins. + Vervain is a real plant, but I haven't tried it. Let me know if it kills vampires. + Pau D'Arco and Cat's Claw kill some bacteria, but boy are they bitter. + Ginko helps with circulation and sometimes clearer thinking (bloodflow to the brain). + Ginseng is energizing but very strong; use small amounts. + Lemon Verbena also does something but all I remember is that it tastes like lemons. This is well-researched stuff so you can corroborate it with other sources and I don't need a bibliography. But I feel like I should cite something: the most useful source has been a book titled "Why Isn't My Brain Working?" by Datis Kharrazian. lu 15 Apr 2021