#+TITLE: Unvalidated Phosting On SDF This post is not begrudging SDF its three bits for validating an account. But I can imagine nascent gophers who would want to phost without three bits to pay charon. It is for this reason that I too am enjoying the experience of not paying 3USD one time to validate on SDF on this travel phloging account. When I ssh tfw@tty.sdf.org I have to page through several prompts such as backspace selection (though one of which is a textscene rendition of current moon phase, very cool). This drops me into a shell in which 'com' or 'commode' take me to 'xcom', which is empty except for one password protected room with three people in it labelled VPSes. 'mail' does not appear to work because the mechanism for sending mail is to save a temporary file, and this has not been possible for me. HOWEVER GOOD NEWS 'mkgopher' works. Oh in the meantime someone has validated me. Thank you, probable mastodon user I mewled to! But I got ahead of myself. In order to keep the load of what we are doing with SDF on our personal workstation and not over the network on SDF, I am going to use emacs and eshell particularly (on my workstation). I am not going to talk about the 'ssh new@tty.sdf.org' prompts here, but that's how you would sign up for an account. Let us embark. $ emacsclient -c -a "" M-x eshell (It is here that I have discovered emacs eshell on here is different to my openbsd emacs eshell as screwtape in regards to what eshell does with elisp results, so let's just not do any of that for now.) $ ssh tfw@tty.sdf.org $ mkgopher $ setup $ quit That symlinked our gopher (public ftp) directory to ~/gopher/. All we have to do is put our text (and other) files in there and set permissions correctly with 'mkgopher -p'. $ cd gopher/ Now, let's yank some text from another emacs buffer. This one is largely in your court. In my case I am pressing M-S-< C- M-S-> M-w C-x b to go to the front of this document, start selecting a region, go to the end of the document, yank from the selected region, then change back to the last buffer I visited (eshell). I also used M-x fill-region. Back in the sshed eshell: $ cat <unvalidated-sdf-phosting.txt C-y EOG done! mkgopher -p and our most recent phost is done! Once we /are/ validated we can issue $ phlog to list our phlog on gopher://gopher.club/1/phlogs/ as well. exit