# thac0s, Part 1 In the (many) years since I last rolled my own Linux distro, llvm has established itself. For grins, I'm thinking about about building up a not-so-GNU userland. In the spirit of Chimera Linux. Primarily because I've been working with GNU userlands for decades and would like to try something different. => https://chimera-linux.org/news/2023/01/roadmap-updates.html Chimera Linux FOSDEM 2023 Presentation So we're on the same page, all the big Linux distributions (Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, OpenSuSE) have GNU userlands. Think glibc, GCC, binutils, coreutils, and friends. And before we get started, I won't be worrying about package management, and I may never. I'll "go embedded" and rebuild my rootfs regularly. First up is the C library. Musl is the obvious replacement for that. LLVM provides clang, so that will replace GCC. LLVM also has a C runtime, so I'll be using that instead of GCC's libgcc. LLVM also has binutils equivalents, so those will be used. Coreutils will be particularly interesting. The Chimera devs had to help port the FreeBSD equivalents. For Round 1, I'll probably chicken out and use toybox (similar to busybox). There you have it. Chicken scratch on a napkin. Let's see how this goes! => ../../index.gmi Top-level ## Attribution Copyright (C) 2023 Joseph B. Konno This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. => ../../LICENSE.gmi CC-BY-4.0 (my copy of official plaintext) => http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ CC-BY-4.0 (official)