What is granular synthesis? In short: Granular Synthesis is a method by which sounds are broken into tiny grains which are then redistributed and reorganised to form other sounds. Slightly more verbose: Granular synthesis is perceived as a relatively recent development in sound synthesis, but it can also be seen as a reflection of long-standing ideas about the nature of sound. Quantum physics has shown that sound can be atomically reduced to physical particles(Wiener 1964). This physical form of sound was first envisioned by the Dutch scientist Isaac Beeckman (Cohen 1984). He explained that sound travels through the air as globules of sonic data. Later works including those by Gabor (Gabor 1946) and more recently Xenakis (Xenakis 1971), Roads (Roads 1988), and Truax (Truax 1990) has evolved the particle theory of sound into a synthesis method whereby the natural sound particle is imitated and magnified, referred to as a grain. The grain is then layered with other grain, either cloned or extracted through a similar process as the original to create different sounds and sonic textures. The original intent of the process described by Gabor was to reduce the amount of data required to convery an audio human communication, necessitated by the low band width, but rising usage of telecommunication devices in the 1940s (Gabor 1946). Gabor's research came into the hands of Xenakis, who recognised a musical application for this work (Xenakis 1971). Xenakis' first works involving granular synthesis were created by splicing magnetic tape into tiny segments, rearranging the segments, and taping the new string of segments together. After attending a seminar conducted by Xenakis on this topic, Roads began experimenting with this idea on a computer. His first experiments were extremely time consuming, even when rendering just a one minute mono sound (we are not talking minutes here, nor hours, but days, usually weeks, depending on scheduling and transferring). After reading an article about granular synthesis written by Roads in 1978, Truax began developping a way to create granular synthesis in real-time, first realised in 1986. From this point on, granular synthesis has slowly become available to a growing number of musicians and sound artists.