# Setting up Molly-Brown on Ubuntu Originally posted on 2023-04-11 [ Ubuntu version: 22.04 ] ## Install it This will NOT fully install the service; it just gets the code ready in the right place. ``` apt install molly-brown ``` ## Create the Molly-Brown unit file (service file) for SystemD ``` nano /etc/systemd/system/molly-brown.service ``` The basic setup looks like this. Note that this is running as root. I'd like to change this at some point, but I don't know how (yet). ``` [Unit] Description=Molly Brown gemini server After=network.target multi-user.target [Service] Type=simple Restart=always #User=molly ExecStart=/usr/bin/molly-brown -c /etc/molly.conf [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ``` ## Create the CONF file ``` /etc/molly.conf ``` The basic CONF file looks like this: ``` ## Basic settings # Port = 1965 Hostname = "tiny.local" CertPath = "/etc/ssl/certs/selfsigned.crt" KeyPath = "/etc/ssl/private/selfsigned.key" DocBase = "/var/gemini/" HomeDocBase = "users" GeminiExt = "gmi" DefaultLang = "en" AccessLog = "/var/log/molly/access.log" ErrorLog = "/var/log/molly/error.log" ReadMollyFiles = true ## Directory listing # DirectorySort = "Time" DirectorySubdirsFirst = false DirectoryReverse = true DirectoryTitles = true ## Dynamic content # #CGIPaths = [ # "/var/gemini/cgi-bin", # "/var/gemini/users/*/cgi-bin/", # Unsafe! #] # #[SCGIPaths] #"/scgi-app-1/" = "/var/run/scgi1.sock" #"/scgi-app-2/" = "/var/run/scgi2.sock" ## MIME type overrides # [MimeOverrides] "atom.xml$" = "application/atom+xml" "rss.xml$" = "application/rss+xml" ## Redirects # #[TempRedirects] #"/old/path/file.ext" = "/new/path/file.ext" #[PermRedirects] #"/old/path/file.ext" = "/new/path/file.ext" ## Certificate zones # #[CertificateZones] #"^/secure-zone-1/" = [ # "d146953386694266175d10be3617427dfbeb751d1805d36b3c7aedd9de02d9af", #] #"^/secure-zone-2/" = [ # "d146953386694266175d10be3617427dfbeb751d1805d36b3c7aedd9de02d9af", # "786257797c871bf617e0b60acf7a7dfaf195289d8b08d1df5ed0e316092f0c8d", #] ``` ## Create needed files and folders ``` # Logs touch /var/log/molly/access.log touch /var/log/molly/error.log # SSL Certificate # (Replace with 3rd party cert later) openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/ssl/private/selfsigned.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/selfsigned.crt # Create the default path and default .gmi page mkdir /var/gemini nano /var/gemini/index.gmi # Put whatever you want in the index.gmi file... ``` 5. Start the service and test ``` service molly-brown start ``` If it all works, you're good. If not, ummm, sorry? 6. Enable the service ``` systemctl enable molly-brown.service ``` Done. ## Some other things you might want to do ### User directories Molly-Brown supports ~/user style user dirctories, but I'm not sure how to use those at the moment. One way I've found around this is to create softlinks to user's "public_gemini" folders u> ``` # "public_gemini" isn't really needed - it could be any folder. I just like to have all my Gemini, Gopher, and WWW folders in a row ln -s /home//public_gemini ``` Similar to a user directory in Gophernicus (~/public_gopher), the user will need to create a "public_gemini" folder. This folder should be world readable (as far as I can tell).