-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_) - DATE: 2019-05-07 MOOD: COMFORTABLE MUSIC: STOP THE SHOW BY BUILT TO SPILL -(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_) - I got a little bit of work done earlier, and have been working most of the evening. That's okay though, I finally feel like I'm understanding what kind of work I need to be doing, so it's going a lot faster now than earlier. My fiance and I went and played billiards/pool together and had a good time. We then went to get groceries and now we have enough food for the next week or two. I don't really have any other update except that I'm ready to get in bed and get some sleep. -(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_)-(_) -