##| ✨ Welcome on Tyjak's capsule ✨ ``` _______ __ _ _ _ __ |_ _ \ / / | | / \ | |/ / | | \ V / | |/ _ \ | ' / | | | | |_| ___ \| . \ |_| |_|\___/_/ \_ _|\_\ ``` > First attempt to make a structured public space to share everything useful to me and so maybe to others. ## 💫 About me => about-me.gmi About me => mailto:tyjak@sdf.org Contact me Some web links: => https://mamot.fr/@tyjak Mastodon => https://keybase.io/tyjak Keybase => https://github.com/tyjak Github ## 📆 Gemlog => 230516-fix-vim-tmux.gmi 16-05-2023 Fix vim colorscheme in tmux => 220413-mao-reboot.gmi 13-04-2022 🎹 MAO reboot part 1 => 220413-external-monitor-with-laptop.gmi 13-04-2022 ⚙ External monitor with laptop => 220413-recette-risotto.gmi 13-04-2022 🥗 recette risotto (french) => 220401-what-to-do-with-gemini.gmi 01-04-2022 : What to do with this gemini => 220331-first-page.gmi 31-03-2022 : First page ## 🇫🇷 French misc => jardinage.gmi 🏡 gardening logs at 15-08-2022 => notes-de-lectures.gmi 📔notes de lectures => podcasts.gmi 🎧 podcasts favoris => livres.gmi bibliothèque --- => bookmarks.gmi bookmarks => gemini://sdf.org This gemini spage is hosted on the fantastic SDF Public Access UNIX System