BAZ.BAR ======= My personal website and home network operate under the domain I was looking for a shorter domain, happened upon this gem one day, and snagged it up. Website: My website (just a blog, for now) can be found at It's hosted at Netlify, because it looked fun to play with. It was built with Hugo, a static site generator written in Go, which also looked fun to play with. Email: What's a good domain without email? I host my own with Postfix and Dovecot, thanks to a great deal from RackNerd. You really can't be $24 a year. You'd be amazed at how many people try to send mail to Maybe I should set up a mailbox for it. I guess this didn't dawn on me before because I realize DNS has a right-to-left hierarchy, and foo comes before bar, not after baz. Kerberos: The hound of Hades used to guard my emails. He might still, I can't remember. In any case, it was (is?) running on an Orange Pi that runs FreeBSD. De-Googlifying myself: With a collection of VMs and some old machines running at home, I run my own email server along with Nextcloud, Mastodon, Vaultwarden, and Keycloak instances. One day, I'll get around to telling everyone to use my new email address, but until then, I still get too much mail to my Gmail account. I also pay for ProtonMail, because I think it's cool, but it's also just a tad bit of a headache sometimes. Imagine that, security is hard.