2020-08-07 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Comment on "The Worst Epidemic" The original document quoted here: gopher://sdf.org/0/users/undo/q009 ------------------------------------------------------------------ I highly recommend the latest Sam Harris Podcast to anyone who is interested in privacy. The discussion is quite disturbing because of the subject matter (child porn) but it really illuminates both the size of the problem and the complexity of possible solutions. I am personally of the opinion that privacy is not something we can trust governments or companies to guard. They have failed time and time again. On the other hand, it is not acceptable that the mega-platforms like Zoom and Bing are turning a blind eye to babies being abused and traumatized for life. The discussion on the podcast sort of touches a possible viewpoint that could allow us to have some new tools to fight the issue without losing our privacy completely: The platforms could be defined in ways that explixitly inform he user of what kind of space they are in. In other words, if the analogue is a public square, obviously your assumptions of privacy are different compared to a private conversation with a friend. I don't think that it would be enough, though. I don't know if anything is enough. It does create a serious threat to privacy for everyone to have the pedophiles create such a strong need for more censorship and control. Also, it sounds like the police is seriously underfunded which is absurd. ------------------------------------------------------------------