2022-10-31 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Gef talks about addictions, porn among them. gopher://sdf.org/0/users/gef/phlog/addiction ------------------------------------------------------------------ It is an interesting theme. I am not sure why I haven't talked about it here. Maybe it's a bit triggering for me. I feel like a lot of the topics I keep circling around are somehow to do with porn, actually. Or at least porn could be an analogy for many of the usual topics. I also feel that gopherspace is possibly one of few spaces online where one could talk about porn seriously, since the clickbait potential is not there. Am I addicted to porn? I think at this point I would say no. Have I been? Sure, I think so. I have used it with enough frequency that if it was a substance, I would have had serious health issues. I don't feel particularly sexual lately. Am I getting old? It's probably more about my life situation and my mental sanity challenges. When I use porn these days, it is more about wanting to disconnect from the reality for a moment. Actually, I think I would be better off getting seriously into psychedelics. They are closer to what I am looking for. When I limited my visual input from my media diet, I did this with porn too. I have pretty much completely removed any visual browsing that isn't extremely specific. This leaves me with very limited selection when it comes to porn. Audio hypnodom is my usual fix. As Gef points out, porn is a reflection of how distorted the culture is. I feel it's very likely that porn is not a reflection of my sexuality at all. It just doesn't seem to connect. Sex is not a thing that you can just ingest like that. When it comes to sex that is floating around in the digital hivemind, I mostly find it repulsive in it's crude form. Like the concept of Tinder, for example. There are these people lined up and you just swipe and swipe? Uh. And you want to line yourself up there too? Talk about demeaning. Or the way sex is used for marketing tv shows: There is the one sex scene that doesn't have anything to do with the show's theme, it's there only so they can make a more marketable teaser of the first season. I would like the sort of media landscape where things are either done properly or not done at all. So, if you have a series about sex, have real sex in it. And if it is not about sex, then film it like it's the 1950s. There's also something about the digitalization of sexual orientation. It seems to me that there is a tension between how the definitions of sexual styles are getting more diverse and the real world connections that these definitions will allow are getting narrower. In the digital space it makes sense to put yourself in a niche, while in real life it is rather superfluous, and I would think counterproductive as well. Niche is more about what is left out than what is let in. Like, if you are a furry who's into strangling, maybe there is a nice community for you online, but offline? You better live in a big city. I feel sort of exasperated at what dating might mean these days. Mostly I just don't think about it. If I was to explore some of these themes, I think I should somehow work on embodying myself better. I am not very kinetic by nature. I also have some deep knots about physical self-expression. I feel some pull towards some trance-like experience having to do with sex. I think I would like to have some kind of boundary push, where sex is not as narrowly defined as it usually is. I like nudism, which feels like on that boundary, but the problem in my country is that the few nude beaches always draw in masturbating old men to the nearby bushes. It sort of dampens the mood. Like Gef was saying, the definition of sexual is pushed into it's own basket, and it pulls in all the not-as-overtly-sexual in with it. Maybe I am just a bad case for this topic. There are plenty of people who seem to get something out of the plasticky sexuality offered by the approved channels. I feel like an outsider. Nothing new, of course. I feel like an outsider at so many things, it's probably all related. All in all, I don't find it surprising that people in the West are having less sex nowadays. It seems that sex as it occupies the hivemind and sex as a natural phenomenon are two different things, and one is getting in the way of the other. ------------------------------------------------------------------