2019-12-17 ------------------------------------------------------------------ I was surprised to find out that "Techno-Animism" is a thing. I remember Terence McKenna talking about how he thought of the search engine as an oracle. You throw it a bone, it throws something back. I'm sure the engine was more psychedelic back then. Nowadays you have to really work to find the bones to throw. So, it was a surprise and then a bit of a disappointment. I remembered hearing about the Shinto practices at some point in the past. But this wasn't really what I had in mind. I was thinking about something more like what Philip K Dick would come up with. Which reminds me, I should read him. I am wondering about the following: 1) Religion has been the most effective propaganda so far (By the way, I don't mean anything very negative with the word "propaganda") 2) The way the advertisers have taken over everything doesn't leave them that many places left to take over and conquer. 1 + 2 = 3 3) The tracking and ads will have to take over religion somehow. I have a feeling it will be like the fitness apps combined with meditation apps, but for religion. Maybe a statue that projects images. Hell, there probably is something like this already. Throw in a bit of shopping tv evangelista and you are pretty much set. In my nightmares Hitler is reincarnated at this point. He almost accomplished the evil masterplan last time. I think this time he won't even break a sweat. With the rate people are getting their DNA tests stored in proprietary databases, rounding up whichever group of people you want will be trivial. And as he takes control of the technological objects of worship and speaks with the tongue of the league of gods instead of as a person, there is no stopping him. What most people don't think about is that when you log in your own DNA, you are logging in your parents and children as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------