2020-01-14 ------------------------------------------------------------------ I have been quite confused about knowledge and such questions lately. Here's the latest: What are the levels of abstraction that people are viewed through? By this I mean different dynamics or systems. For example, an individual, a group, a public, humanity and so on. I don't know if it's my own bias, but it would seem that where there used to be several levels of abstraction, now there are less. There used to be family, friend group (often segregated by gender), school class, work group, extended family, the public, the nation. These different groups had different methods and functions of interaction. There were set times and places of interaction that are becoming increasingly rare. The multiplicity has been flattened. Are there pubs any more in the sense of "public spaces"? When do you have a meaningful conversation with a stranger in real life? It doesn't seem to happen. There has to be a reason to congregate, like a particular hobby or political view or project. Another question related to the above: What difference does it make that the public is no longer "active" part of the economic game but a resource to be mined? There has to be something here that has a profound effect on the practical philosophies people have about their lives. I don't know if it has trickled through the society yet. There's something dehumanising about it for sure. I suppose at least it makes people think of others (and maybe themselves too) as less individuals and more as a part of a vaguely statistical mass of opinions and viewpoints. As long as you were part of the old notion of the public, there was _some_ individuality left as you were seen as a voter, but now that the "vote" is happening all the time through likes, you are in some sense losing your value. The vote has lost it's value. Whether you provide more or less of datapoints doesn't matter as long as you provide enough of them that you can be tied to someone semi-identical to you who provides more of them. ------------------------------------------------------------------