2020-01-21 ------------------------------------------------------------------ How does one realize their potential? On one hand it could be that you are kidding yourself by imagining greatness but on the other it seems hard to not test your limit somehow. I find myself in a situation where taking my act to the next level would require some amount of "roleplay" on my part in the spirit of fake it till you make it. I am trying to work out a scheme where I don't have to take part in the cancerous structures. In some ways it might even be an advantage not to have to spend time on polishing your social media profiles in order to advance your business. I have a vague sense of imposter syndrome with it. But in a weird way. I have so much contempt for the game that to win it, even on my own terms, would somehow seem like being infected by it. The fact that people need money for survival makes such ponderings less compelling of course. And surely, at the moment I am not earning in a way that is 100% aligned with my moral intuitions. ------------------------------------------------------------------