2020-10-04 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Reading "Cynical Theories" by Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay. They are going through the history of postmodernism and I am suprised to found just how many of my founding assumptions come from this philosophy. I knew I had some ideas derived from postmodernism, but now it seems that most of my ideas are from there. Weirdly enough I am quite opposed to the practical conclutions. I can even remember the point when I decided to stop this line of inquiry. It happened because after you question everything and arrive at the point where the buddhist would say you have not an inch to stand on, you have to go further. Or go back or whatever. You cannot actually stay at a position where you just refuse to give value to any evidence. This would be madness and a strange commitment to being pulled along by anyone, since your own foundation is completely lacking. Of course a buddhist would be able to sniff out that there is something extremely foundational in that nothingness. That is where the postmodernists fail. At least the popular forms of postmodern thinking that Pluckrose and Lindsay challenge seem to not see that you can't just end up on a blind alley. I am not sure where Pluckrose and Lindsay are going to oppose postmodernism since I haven't yet finished the book, but I would guess they take a stand from modern enlightenment values. I think this will not be enough in the real world, but we will need to really go down through some sort of buddhist period if we are to get to a philosophical peace on the practical level. ------------------------------------------------------------------